Further Reading About High-End Audio |  |
- 10 Audio
Somewhere between a blog and an eZine, lies Jerry Seigel's 10 Audio site. It's a collection of comparative reviews, DIY projects, and think pieces. Online, free.
- Audio Critique
Arthur Salvatore's refreshingly biased views on High-End Audio and it's gurus. Online, free.
- Enjoy The Music
A free eZine published by Steve Rochlin featuring high-end news and live show reports. Contains advertising, but (thankfully) no pop-ups.
- Positive Feedback
Formerly the print journal of a major American audio club, in 2002 it reinvented itself as a free eZine. Contains advertising.
- REG On Audio
REG is Richard E. Greene, a long time writer for The Absolute Sound magazine, and the site is a collection of his reviews and essays. Online, free.
- sixmoons.com
A free eZine published by Srajan Ebaen which boasts one of the most sophisticated looks on the web. sixmoons's roster of contributors review the latest in hardware and software. Contains advertising links, but tastefully grouped together.
- Sound Practices
Formerly a quarterly published by Joe Roberts, the entire 16 issue run is available on an archival CD-ROM. Issue 3 features a visit to Arthur Loesch's listening room by Herb Reichert. Now sold exclusively on eBay, the cost is USD $29, mailed anywhere in the world.
- Stereophile and The Absolute Sound
Once rivals in the realm of the alternative or underground audio press, they now dominate the credible mainstream. Love 'em or hate 'em, together they are largely responsible for creating high-end audio as we know it today. Excerpts and archives are published online; full copies available at your local bookstore or newsstand.
- TNT-Audio
An advertising-free newsletter published in Italy in both English and Italian. Includes reviews, tweaks, and a discussion forum. Free. Updated weekly.
- TONE Audio
This could be the future of audio publishing -- a luxurious looking eZine that's only available as a download, coupled to a dedicated dedicated blog and forum. Download the table of contents for any given issue and, if your curiousity is aroused, download the entire issue -- all for free. Published every other month. Contains advertising and the full issue downloads are fairly large PDF files, so be patient.
- The Triode Guild
A spin-off of his Meta-Gizmo site, The Triode Guild is a collection of musings on audio by the late Dr. Harvey "Gizmo" Rosenberg. He was the Buddha of Audio and one of the high-end's truly original thinkers. Free, but (sadly) no longer updated.